Since my last post we moved to Dyess AFB, Abilene Texas in November 2012. Leaving Guam was both exciting and very hard. It was a tiny island full of memories and great friends. We will always have a special place in our hearts for that island. We vacationed in Hawaii for 2 weeks on our way here. We got to see family and the Guzman's.
Once we got to Dyess our mission to buy our first home started. That was one of the most stressful events ever... buying a house is a long process and the Air Force doesn't give enough time. Thank goodness we started the pre-approval and loads of paperwork before we even left Guam. It was a huge help. Here is the house we found and decide was the best fit for us. We wanted something a tad bit bigger, but what can you do when you have limited time and homes available? This is perfect and we are blessed. I even got a cute ladybug house key. :)
The boys transitioned very well into their new schools: Darrien ended his freshman year at Cooper High School and Daelin finished up his 5th grade year at Dyess Elementary School. I am so proud of both of them and am happy that they have made some amazing friends. Darrien jumped right into basketball at the school. Daelin had to wait until football started. He joined the Eagles and continued to be a beast on the field!
I finally found a JOB at a local church working with wonderful ladies as a Mother's Day Out teacher. It was only twice a week, but I really enjoyed it and it got me out of the house a little.
Daniel left on what we hope to be his last deployment in July 2013. I then decided I needed to add something else to my day other than the daily duties of being a mom with two active boys... I got another part-time job at Target! It was just a seasonal job through the holidays... however they asked me to stay! Keep in mind I came to Texas still going to school to finish my elementary education degree (only 3 classes left). YES, I know I've been going to school forever. All in God's timing!